One of the easiest methods of optimizing the execution of PHP script is by using a static variable. Imagine a function that does some complex calculations, possibly executes several database queries. If the return value from the function does not change too often and the function may be called several times during single request, it may be beneficial to cache the return value with static variable,
You could implement it within your complex function or with a wrapper function if you’re trying to cache the function you didn’t write.
function mymodule_complex_calculation() {
static $cache;
if (isset($cache)) {
return $cache;
// Otherwise we need to perform our calculations
// ...some complex calculation that returns
$cache = complex_calculation();
return $cache;
This is a very simple pattern and cached data will “survive” only single web request but it may still be very effective, especially if function is called many times during the same request. Drupal implements a drupal_static() function that is a serves as centralized place for storing static variables. The advantage over using your own static variable is that data stored by drupal_static() can be reset. It means that, if other piece of code decides that some cached variable should be cleaned in mid-request, it can do so. Function definition is:
function &drupal_static($name, $default_value = NULL, $reset = FALSE)
You will need a unique name to address the data you want to cache. This will really become a key in the static array. The customary way in Drupal is to use the name of your function as $name, you can use PHP’s magic constant __FUNCTION__ that resolves to current function name. Now we can update our function as follows:
function mymodule_complex_calculation() {
$cache = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (isset($cache)) {
return $cache;
// Otherwise we need to perform our calculations
// ...some complex calculation that returns simple value
$cache = complex_calculation();
return $cache;
You may notice that we don’t use drupal_static() to actually set the data – and we don’t need to! As soon as we assign anything to $cache, it will end up in our centralized static store.
drupal_static() has one disadvantage – it adds a new function call (plus execution of some logic inside drupal_static()) every time you use cache which increases the execution time. Compare it with the listing 1 – much simpler. This will add some overhead to each call. At this level we are talking about micro optimizing. It will make noticeable difference only if you function is called hundreds (or thousands) of times per request. If that’s the case, you can use advanced usage pattern for drupal_static. It merges functionality of our 2 functions:
function my_funct() {
static $drupal_static_fast;
if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
//17 is the default value in case the cache was empty
$drupal_static_fast['cache'] = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__,17);
$cache = &$drupal_static_fast['cache'];
//do whatever you need with $cache ...
Pay attention to the fact that $drupal_static_fast is an array and the actual cache is within that array ($drupal_static_fast['cache']). You have to use an array, otherwise your reference to the static variable will be lost and each time my_funct() is called, it will need to retrieve a value using drupal_static() – therefore negating our optimization (see manual for the details).
I’ve added a benchmark for it to micro-optimization site. Assuming I’ve got the test right, you can see the 17x difference between accessing static variable vs calling drupal_static() function.