
Below I will demonstrate how to use an excellent Dependency Injection component from Symfony 2, without using the whole Symfony framework. I will also use ClassLoader from Symfony and just for the sake of the demo I will integrate it with Zend Framework. The code requires PHP 5.3 (mostly for namespaces support).
Create a directory for your project. Inside create “lib” directory. Inside lib, create directory structure: Symfony/Component. Put ClassLoader code inside Component – the easiest thing to do is to clone if from Symfony github:

cd lib/Symfony/Component
git clone

The same goes for DependencyInjection component:

cd lib/Symfony/Component
git clone

Finally download Zend Framework and put the contents of Zend directory into lib/Zend (so for instance Log.php file will be available in lib/Zend/Log.php).
The actual source code will go into “src” directory, which is a sibling directory of “lib”.

Configuring the ClassLoader

DependencyInjection uses namespaces for managing classes, so it needs to be registered with registerNamespace method. Zend Framework follows PEAR naming convention for classes – registerPrefix will do the work for us. Finally, I will register our own code that will be stored in src directory. I will use namespaces as well. Create a new file (let’s call it main.php) in the top-level directory:

$loader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();

ClassLoader should now work just fine but we still need set_include_path so require functions inside Zend code will work correctly.

Dependency Injection container

Create a sample class that we’ll use for testing. I will call it Test and put it into Zabuchy\Techblog, which means it should be located at src/Zabuchy/Techblog/Test.php:

namespace Zabuchy\Techblog;
class Test
    private $logger;
    public function __construct($logger) {
      $this->logger = $logger;
    public function run() {

$logger should be injected using container – here is where we will use Zend_Log class. This one in turn requires a Writer, so we will create it as well. The rest of main.php will look like this:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
$sc = new ContainerBuilder();
$sc->register('logger', 'Zend_Log')
    ->addArgument(new Reference('log.writer'));
    ->addArgument(new Reference('logger'));

Running the code should give an output like below:

% php main.php 
2011-06-09T15:17:22+01:00 INFO (6): Running...

Complete code

For reader’s convenience I’m attaching a full source code – including a copy of Zend library and Symfony 2 components.